Purchase tickets for FX night at the ballpark and watch the Cardinals vs the Rays at Busch Stadium

The Fragile X Resource Center’s Israel Scholarship is currently accepting new applications here

Fragile X Overview

Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) is the leading inherited cause of developmental disabilities and mental impairment worldwide. As a result, it affects children of all ethnic and racial backgrounds.

planetarium in St. Louis

Mission Statement

The mission of the Fragile X Resource Center of Missouri (FXRCMO) is to benefit the lives of individuals with Fragile X disorders and their families through support, education, public awareness and advocacy.

Early Diagnosis and Intervention

Early diagnosis and intervention are vital in managing Fragile X Syndrome. By identifying the condition early, families can access tailored educational programs, therapies, and resources that significantly improve developmental outcomes and quality of life.

Fragile X Teal Color Balloon

Resource Center Newsletter Sign-Up Form

Complete the form below and we will add you to our monthly FXRCMO Missouri newsletter! In the message section, let us know how you found our website!

Feel free to include questions when you complete the form. We are happy to help point you in the right direction. FXRCMO is a nonprofit organization, run by individuals, family members, friends, and advocates of people with Fragile X-associated disorders.
