FXRCMO Board of Directors

blonde female

Lesley Clark


White man in suit

Dan Clark

Vice President

White female with short hair

Rachel Bell


white woman in blue dress

Jennifer Frobish


man and woman in dress attire at dinner table

Carole Schlattmann


Woman with earings smiling

Margaret Israel

Director / Co-Founder

Woman with short dark hair

Sue Fishman


Man in red polo shirt and St. Louis Cardinals baseball cap

Sam Israel

Self Advocate

Man with glasses in suit and tie holding a puppet of St. Louis Cardinals baseball mascot Fredbird

Jason Fishman

Self Advocate

Board of Directors Meeting Schedule

Meetings are open to the general public. If confidential matters require discussion, only Directors may be present. Please feel free to share business items ahead of meetings by using the sign-up form on the bottom of the home page.

Next Meeting: Aug, 2024 – TBD

https://sites.google.com/view/fxrcmo/about-us – TBD

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